Holistic Services

We create an environment focused on you as an individual.

Purpose & Values

Universal Intent LLC. a company that feels more like family, a place within us that we all call home. Working with communities and restoration organizations to achieve the same objective and that is to restore what humanity has lost, knowledge of self. Honoring the eldest traditions while staying up to date with modern medical science offering self-evolution along with inner healing.

Universally charged the founder and owner of Universal Intent LLC. has found a unique way to reconnect souls to what we so rightfully deserve, affordable health care, community, purpose, and self-love. With herbal consultations, herbal products, life coaching and nutritional guidance, we create an environment focused on you as an individual.

From supporting the day to day upkeep of the body to tackling tough chronic illnesses. Our herbal protocols focus on detoxification and restoration following a revitalizing process to replenish the cells. While our products serve as an organic source to your health goals. Creating a balance between mind, body, and spirit. Our products and services are high quality and ethically sourced, always keeping the consumers best interest in mind.

Our Credentials

Taking the online herbal community to new pinnacles since founded in 2020, we are excited to continue our journey serving no matter your age, illness, gender or nationality there is a sacred spot saved for you and your healing journey. Universal’s goal is to help bring back the human essence of life. Restoring the importance of community by sharing our trials and triumphs as a collective, learning from one another. Let's end the battle with disease caused by lack of knowledge on proper nutrition. Affording our children and generations to come, the keys to a new healthy world. Universal Intent serves all of those in need of reconnection, regeneration, and knowledge of self.

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