Holistic Consultations

Nourishing and supporting the body in a holistic manner

Herbal Consultation $130 - 90 minutes - 2 Hour Session

An herbal consultation is an opportunity to sit down in a safe and supportive environment with an invitation to an extended conversation about your health concerns. During a consultation we’ll discuss much more than just the herbs themselves. We’ll explore food and proper prepping techniques touching on ways to nourish and support the body in a holistic manner allowing food to also be thy medicine.

We’ll talk about what shifts can be made in your daily life or routines and identify where your edges are in terms of what might be holding you back from healing. These same edges are fertile grounds for transformation so we’ll think about  working with them as a force for a positive change in your health.

As a conclusion to your session we will be discussing the herbs most suited for you, your personal constitution and condition. You’ll receive your own personalized herbal protocol (often a tea, tincture and/or flower essence). A follow-up visit 2-3 weeks after the initial consult is strongly recommended, working together on your health over a period of 3-6 months for optimal results.

Nutrition Consultation $125 - 90 Minute Session

This session helps promote healthy metabolism, good immune response, and a healthy body weight with good eating habits. Consultations focus on developing a good relationship between you and your nutritionist to assist them in helping you achieve your health goals.

Your Nutrition Specialist will begin by conducting a thorough nutrition assessment. This will include but is not limited to inquiring about current and past personal and family medical history, followed with a weekly nutritional plan to help you gain success with your selected health or weight goals.

One free follow-up session is included to help you maintain your new healing journey. A follow-up visit 2-3 weeks after the initial consult is strongly recommended, working together on your health over a period of 3-6 months for optimal results.

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